Saturday, March 20, 2010

nadyssa alif willanda

nadyssa alif willanda. or dyssa. or thehyperactivegirlwholikestodancerandomly. yes, she's one of my girls. she was born on 3rd january 1997. we met in pre-k but we became close in the 6th grade until now. she's the person who always there to chat with me randomly and laugh with me when i got bored. she cheers me up with her jokes. i laugh a lot when i'm with her, really. even a sentence she say will get me laughing, weird huh?

here's a view things about her that makes me laugh:
- she likes to dance in random moments.
- she likes to sing in random moments.
- she fell into a chair and got squashed by a guitar (inti=ketimpa).
- sometimes she talks funny.
- her jokes.
- etc.

i guess that's all :D, love you dyss!
xoxo, dhira

her twitter: @dazzlingdyssa <- FOLLOW!

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